Understand the Personality Profile of Your Coaching Clients

Understand the Personality Profile of Your Coaching Clients

Who are your business coaching clients? I mean really? Business coaching, perhaps more than other professions, depends on the strength of the client-coach relationship. If you don’t have a solid understanding of the way your coaching clients think, feel, act, and are motivated you won't be a very effective coach. Likewise, if your coaching...

Should Business Coaches Attend Marketing Seminars?

Should Business Coaches Attend Marketing Seminars?

Should business coaches attend marketing seminars? Maybe you can relate to this: in a recent Facebook thread on the relative value and merits of marketing seminars, my FB friend BM wrote: "I haven't been to a live seminar in years. I'm too busy doing work for clients. How do I sharpen the axe? "I have every book, ebook, and CD set that Bob Bly...

How John Banked $30,000 In Business Coaching Fees For the First Time Ever

How John Banked $30,000 In Business Coaching Fees For the First Time Ever

In August, John Nieuwenburg banked $30,000 in business coaching fees for the first time ever since he began his career as a business coach in 2004. John has been generating $200,000 per year consistently, but this year he will DOUBLE that. In this video, John explains how he connected with his “Why” in a fresh way and clarified his lifestyle and...

Business Coaching Questions: How to Stop Being Haunted by Negative Thoughts?

Business Coaching Questions: How to Stop Being Haunted by Negative Thoughts?

Subscriber RF writes: "Bob, I would love your advice on how you silence the derogatory voice in your head that says, 'You're not a good writer.' Writing can never be a pleasure if one is haunted by negative thoughts." Now, I'm a writer, of course--but this is just as relevant for any entrepreneur. Including business coaches. Business coaching can...

Help Your Coaching Clients Crush the Competition

Help Your Coaching Clients Crush the Competition

In an economy like ours, business owners want to get aggressive. They want to build their companies and increase profitability. And as part of this, they want to know how you can help your coaching clients crush the competition. At the heart of this is marketing. But not just marketing for its own sake. At its most effective, marketing is nothing...

More Referrals, More Consistently

More Referrals, More Consistently

One of the best and most leveraged ways to generate leads is through referrals. Everyone knows that. After all, people are much more likely to do business with someone who has been recommended to them by a trusted source. But most business coaches struggle to get referrals on an ongoing basis. So how do you get more referrals, more consistently?...

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