Master the Art of Complimentary Coaching Sessions

Master the Art of Complimentary Coaching Sessions

Most business coaches offer complimentary coaching sessions as part of their sales process (a practice I highly recommend). It gives you the chance to have an in-depth conversation with a prospect so that you can understand their needs better, and--most importantly--demonstrate your value. But there's a lot to remember in a complimentary coaching...

Overcome Objections to Business Coaching

Overcome Objections to Business Coaching

Ever hear any of these objections to business coaching? 1. We get calls like this all the time. 2. Everything’s going just fine, thanks. 3. I’m too busy. 4. I’m not interested. 5. I worked with a consultant before who ______. 6. I’m too small. 7. How will you do that? 8. What can you possibly teach me about the ______ industry? 9. This all sounds...

How to Get New Business Coaching Clients through Networking

How to Get New Business Coaching Clients through Networking

Successful coaches know how to get new business coaching clients through networking. Very few people find that networking comes naturally. So if you’ve got a love-hate relationship with networking, you’re not alone. Most people would rather stick bicycle spokes into their eyes than walk into a room full of complete strangers and start random...

Successful Planning Tips for Business Coaches

Successful Planning Tips for Business Coaches

There’s an old saying I love: “If you fail to plan to fail.” And this is truer in business coaching than anywhere else. So how can you be sure your plan will succeed? By following these three simple planning tips for business coaches. After all, the more specific and focused you are in your head and on paper, the more specific and...

Help Your Business Coaching Clients Create Winning Teams

Help Your Business Coaching Clients Create Winning Teams

In the coming months and years, one of the most important things you'll do is to help your business coaching clients recruit winning teams. After all, we're in an expansionary environment right now. The economy is growing. The corporate income tax rate has been slashed substantially. Many of your business coaching clients will begin to see...

Business Coaching Client Termination Dos and Don’ts

Business Coaching Client Termination Dos and Don’ts

We all dread the day that any client asks to terminate or cease their coaching program. No one wants this to happen, but it’s something we all have to deal with. When it happens, how should you respond? This post explores the most important business coaching client termination dos and don'ts. First, keep in mind that the way you respond is...

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